Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction
Kathryn Porten 651-470-0364
A spiritual companion for the journey
Kathryn Porten 651-470-0364
A spiritual companion for the journey

The Narrow Passage
The Narrow Passage
Spiritual Direction is a ministry of deep listening, discernment, and prayer in a trusted and confidential relationship with a trained spiritual companion. In the practice of Spiritual Direction this companion is called a Spiritual Director and the seeker is the Directee. Together we enter a prayerful atmosphere where we can be attentive to the ultimate director -- the Holy Spirit.
Spiritual Directors intentionally set aside the concerns of their own life to listen and attend to the experience of God in your life. The purpose of Spiritual Direction is to be present in the moment, seeing and honoring the sacred mystery of the soul of another. We witness this mystery of the Divine and reflect it back in prayer, shared reflection, quiet presence, and action. Spiritual Direction is a journey of deep healing and an affirmation of Holiness, the Sacred, and the Mystery. Our goal is to enter into individual's ever-deepening experience of the Divine.
Individual sessions typically are once a month for approximately an hour.
Group direction sessions also meet once a month and are typically with a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 participants, lasting approximately 2-and-a-half hours. The group commits to meeting for a period of 10 months. At the end of that time the group decides if they will continue with this same group.