Spiritual Direction
Spiritual Direction
Kathryn Porten 651-470-0364
A spiritual companion for the journey
Kathryn Porten 651-470-0364
A spiritual companion for the journey
To Know and Be Known
To Know and Be Known
The goals are similar to "The Narrow Passage". We all need to experience God’s presence in order to grow deeper in relationship with Him. In addition God intended us to live, in community, not in isolation. However, adults with cognitive challenges are typically not offered age appropriate programs that meet their spiritual needs. This can leave them spiritually separated from the Body of Christ. Richard Rohr explains with biblical truths the need for Christian community, “If Christ's cosmic message doesn't take form in a concrete group of people then, as far as Paul is concerned, it is an unbelievable message. An autonomous Christian is as impossible as an independent arm or leg… Arms and legs exist only as parts. Believers exist as parts of the whole, the Body of Christ… When Paul says 'without love I am nothing' (1 Cor 13:2), he implies that he is inside of another Being who is Love. We train for this by loving real, live people. For Paul, this is what he means by Christ: the participatory mystery of Jesus continued through space and time in us!”
Spiritual Direction is designed to meet this need. It provides a way for the director to respond to the invitation to enter into another’s spiritual journey without judgment or agenda. Together, they listen for how God is moving in the directee’s life. Using art, music, quiet, scripture, whatever tools God provides, we listen together for where He is actively pursuing, blessing, and calling an individual.
Please contact me to discuss if this is the next step for you or a loved one's spiritual journey.